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Auth Actions

This page covers all actions related to key-based authentication for a Boid account. Key-based authentication allows users to authorize actions without the need for a full wallet, using a private key stored on the frontend instead. The frontend signs actions, which are then sent to an API hosted by Boid validators. The API wraps the signed actions in an Antelope transaction and submits it to the blockchain. Key authentication cannot be used for sensitive actions such as withdrawals or transfers, to prevent security risks associated with storing keys in the browser. For these operations, a full Antelope wallet like Anchor is required.



The primary method to push signed actions onto the chain. The Boid validator node submits the client data, and the contract validates the signature, including a nonce to prevent transaction replays.

Input Parameters

boid_id: Name // the signing boid_id
actions: Action[] // the actions that were signed
sig: Signature // the signature of the actions
keyIndex: i32 // the index of the key in account's keys
expires_utc_sec: u32 // expiry time of the transaction in UTC

No specific chain account authentication required, handled internally.


  • Signature must match the provided actions and key.
  • Only one action is allowed per key authentication transaction.
  • Action must be whitelisted (config.auth.key_actions_whitelist) and target the correct account.

Table Updates

  • auth table: updated with the authenticated boid_id.
  • accounts table: account.auth.nonce value is incremented by 1.

Inline Actions
Signed actions are sent inline. An additional action auth.init is called.


Adds a PublicKey to a boid account for key authentication.

Input Parameters

boid_id: Name // target boid account
key: PublicKey // the PublicKey to add

Requires authentication of the target boid account (requireBoidAuth).


  • Ensures that the number of keys does not exceed config.auth.account_max_keys.
  • New key must be unique within the account's keys.

Table Updates

  • accounts table: updated with the added key to account.auth.keys.


Removes a PublicKey from a boid account's key set.

Input Parameters

boid_id: Name // target boid account
keyIndex: i32 // index of the PublicKey to delete

Requires authentication of the target boid account (requireBoidAuth).


  • Provided key index must be within the valid range of account.auth.keys.

Table Updates

  • accounts table: updated with the target key removed from account.auth.keys.


Initializes the auth table during contract deployment.

Input Parameters

Requires contract authority (requireAuth the contract's own account).


Table Updates

  • auth table: set with default data for newAuth.boid_id_auth.