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Accounts Table

The accounts table acts as a central registry for every user participating within the Boid ecosystem. It keeps track of user identities (boid_id), authentication (auth), staking information (stake), Boid Power (power), team memberships (team), and balances (balance and nft_balance). Users can engage with the Boid platform primarily through their Boid accounts, as it facilitates the entire user experience from staking to power management.


Scope: boid Index: boid_id

Table Structure

class Account extends Table {
  boid_id: Name
  owners: Name[]
  auth: AccountAuth
  sponsors: Name[]
  stake: AccountStake
  power: AccountPower
  team: AccountTeam
  balance: u32
  nft_balance: u16

  get primary(): u64 {
    return this.boid_id.value


boid_id: Name

A unique identifier for the Boid account. System administrators may set arbitrary names, while users must adhere to specific naming conventions, such as a whitelisted suffix (e.g., .oid).

owners: Name[]

Native chain accounts capable of authorizing actions on behalf of the Boid account. Modifications to this property are strictly regulated and can only be performed by current owners.

auth: AccountAuth

Contains public keys and a nonce for key-based control of the Boid account.

class AccountAuth {
  keys: PublicKey[] // Public keys for account management.
  nonce: u8 // Incremented on key use to prevent transaction replays.

sponsors: Name[]

Boid account IDs that sponsored the account creation, receiving a portion of applied Boid Power. Sponsorship is typically singular and is removed when the account is upgraded.

stake: AccountStake

Encapsulates all staking-related data for the account.

class AccountStake {
  unstaking: TokenUnstake[]
  self_staked: u32
  received_delegated_stake: u16

TokenUnstake represents BOID tokens in the process of unstaking, cleared post-unstake completion.

class TokenUnstake {
  redeemable_after_round: u16
  quantity: u32

power: AccountPower

Stores information pertinent to the Boid Power of the account, comprising of a power rating, historical data, and boosters which enhance power generation/accumulation.

class AccountPower {
  last_claimed_round: u16
  rating: u32
  history: u16[]
  mods: AccountBooster[]

Boosters (AccountBooster) provide account power enhancements upon activation.

class AccountBooster {
  pwr_multiplier: u8
  pwr_add_per_round: u16
  expires_round: u16
  aggregate_pwr_remaining: u32

team: AccountTeam

Details the account's team affiliation and related contributions.

class AccountTeam {
  team_id: u8
  last_edit_round: u16
  team_tax_mult: u8
  team_cumulative_contribution: u32

balance: u32

Reflects the current liquid BOID balance of the account.

nft_balance: u16

Number of NFTs held by the account; this count assists in preventing RAM abuse.


Example of a minimalistic account entry:

  "boid_id": "john",
  "owners": ["imjohnatboid"],
  "auth": {
    "keys": [],
    "nonce": 0
  "sponsors": [],
  "stake": {
    "unstaking": [],
    "self_staked": 878,
    "received_delegated_stake": 0
  "power": {
    "last_claimed_round": 1,
    "rating": 0,
    "mods": []
  "team": {
    "team_id": 0,
    "last_edit_round": 0,
    "team_tax_pct": 0,
    "team_cumulative_contribution": 22
  "balance": 0,
  "nft_balance": 0